Many gay relationships are fluid and open, sometimes to their partners surprise.
To put it simply, sex happens, so get tested regularly - even if you are in a monogamous relationship.
To put it simply, sex happens, so get tested regularly - even if you are in a monogamous relationship.

Rather than just shooting stills,
we shot video as well to create
cinemagraphs to post to social.
we shot video as well to create
cinemagraphs to post to social.
Facebook 360
We also exploited Facebooks 360 image feature to allow us to tell more of a story.
Rotating left, one partner is casually socializing with friends, however to the right the other is taking his night in a whole different direction.
Rotating left, one partner is casually socializing with friends, however to the right the other is taking his night in a whole different direction.

CD: David Kenyon, CW: Leah Whitney